How To Survive A Hurricane - Some Simple Survival Tips

how to survive a hurricane

If you want to know how to survive a hurricane, then you are probably wondering what type of preparations you should make. There are many preparations that have to be made ahead of time in order to prepare for the worst case scenario. Many people do not have an emergency kit that includes essentials like food and water and do not take any kind of safety precautions. The lack of a kit could prove deadly in the case of an emergency.

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Have you ever heard of Hurricane Chris? He is currently devastating parts of Mexico and Eastern Canada. Chris actually reached Jamaica and caused havoc along that island as well as Cuba and three Caribbean islands (Guadeloupe, Dominican Republic and St Martin). Thousands have been left homeless and electricity outages continue to affect cities like Miami and Key West. This isn't even including the massive flooding that took place in California.


Hurricane Wilma is currently causing much destruction in the northern part of its range. It has already hit the Virgin Islands and is expected to go all the way up the Eastern Seaboard. Wilma is expected to weaken as it moves inland and this could allow her to come ashore with more force than originally expected. This is one of the reasons that you need to be prepared before a hurricane even makes its way toward your area.

How to Survive a Hurricane - Some Simple Survival Tips


How to survive a hurricane without getting stranded in a boat, car or other vehicle? This is actually a pretty easy question to answer and one that is easy to answer. If you know how to swim, you can survive in a bathtub. If you know how to swim, you can also survive without food and fresh water for long periods of time. You must have a plan of action when it comes to how to survive a hurricane.


Think about the food that you have in the house and the types of water purification tablets that you have on hand. You should also know where your family members are in case of an emergency and how to contact them. Think about the cell phone that you have and how to use it. Have a plan of action if you need to send help from the air.


How to survive a hurricane by eating whatever you have on hand and drinking lots of water. Be sure to have flashlights and a first aid kit with you. Have plenty of clean water available to drink. Think about food items that can be preserved in water and bring those with you on a camping trip and other times you might need to prepare food.


Another important question is, "How to survive a hurricane when death is around?" When death is around, how will you get to safety? If you know how to survive a hurricane, death is not necessarily the end because you can always find ways to live. Find a safe place to die and learn how to resuscitate if needed.


These are just a few examples of how to survive a hurricane. It can go without saying that if you do survive one you will have another opportunity at life should it occur again. Preparing for any eventuality is a good idea. Do your research and you should have no problem surviving a hurricane.


If you know that you will be stranded with no way to get food or fresh water, the following suggestions may come in handy. If you are able to secure a boat, be sure to fill it with supplies including food, water, and wood. You should also have some tarpaulins and plastic tarps to provide additional protection from rain, sun, and snow. Consider using an old tarp or two and extra pieces of tarp to cover things like your clothes and bicycles.


If you have a lot of heavy furniture like old furniture, consider using blankets and pillows to protect them. If you have a swimming pool or a grill, there are other ways to use that to provide warmth as well. If you have a lot of appliances like washing machines, dryers, and refrigerators, be sure to turn them off and remove them from their storage areas. These items are especially dangerous to be left out in floodwater. Also, remove any breakable things from your home and any items that could be replaced.


A few final survival tips for hurricane survival include using a compass and a signaling device. It is important to keep an eye on the weather forecasts and to know your exact location. If you have any sense of urgency, get to safety before the storm comes. Finally, consider your life insurance policy and make sure you have it in place. That way, in case of a serious emergency, you have some kind of financial protection.

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