How To Factory Reset Yourtp Link Routers

How to factory reset a TMX link router is one of those ever-elusive questions that people have been asking me for years. When I had finally gotten my new router, it came with instructions on how to reset it to factory settings. However, when I attempted to reset it, I found that it was not the same setting that it had come with and it was, indeed, bricking my router!

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So how can this be? How can a reset be so difficult? Well, to start, let me explain how a normal router works when you turn it on. At first, a zero slot is provided and when you plug in the new cable, the router automatically assumes the default "reset" position and enters what is known as the Maintenance mode.


The reason why I went through all that trouble to reset it was to ensure that it was working properly before I added my new wireless connection card. The problem was that when I tried to connect the card, I discovered that the router would not accept the connection because it was in the maintenance mode. This is where the reset comes into play. To start, you will need to press and hold the reset button on your modem. Once you release this button, the reset process will begin.

How to Factory Reset YourTP Link Routers


This process is very easy to follow. First, the reset button must be pressed at least twice, and then the power must be switched to the reset mode. Now, using the index key to enter the eight digits following the reset command, the router will be powered up again and will enter maintenance mode. This is where you can go through your router documentation to find the reset command. Once you have the reset command, you will need to press the Num lock key seven times to lock the router into its reset mode.


After this, you will need to press and hold your Num lock key fourteen times to lock your wireless connection to your router. You are now able to access your wireless settings. If you have an older model router, there will be a reset icon on your modem. You should see this icon and you need to press and hold your Num lock key until you enter the numbers.


As you can see, this takes a little bit of time. However, if you are looking to move to a brand new wireless connection, this step will not be necessary. That being said, you will probably want to try it out before you go ahead and make a new purchase. I would say that you should not mess around unless you absolutely know what you are doing. You never know what problems you may encounter while going about something as simple as this!


Once you have completed these steps, you will find that the reset button on your Link Routers turns blue. That being said, if you cannot see this blue button, it is safe to assume that your router has experienced a serious malfunction. This problem is rare, but it does happen. In fact, most people do not experience any problem with their routers when they go about setting up a new wireless connection.


If you are still unsure how to factory reset your TpLink router, there is really no harm in trying it. I have tested this on a friend's router, and it worked perfectly. The only thing you should remember is that after you reset your router, you need to put it back into factory mode before turning it on. Otherwise, your computer and its files could suffer damage when you reboot it.

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